But I did get these:

Australia (DVD). Yes, I know it was panned, but I *loved* it. I'm a Kidman fanatic, admittedly, and a copious drooler over Jackman...but I genuinely enjoyed the film, too.

Kiki's Delivery Service (DVD). OMG I LOVE MIYAZAKI AND I'M A CHILD. Kiki is so great.
And also Milk, Changeling, and Elizbeth: The Golden Age on DVD. Which means I'll be running out tomorrow to pick up this one:

Oh hellz yeah, Lady Gaga, "The Fame Monster." Ra-ra-ah-ah-ah.
Need to grab Neko's new one, PJ Harvey's and John Parish's collab album, Gossip, Patrick Wolf, and Florence and the Machine when I get the chance. I download a lot of music, but I always buy the albums I really love, usually at the end of the year.
And then, the real gems:

After Atwood's "The Year of the Flood" (which I'm working through now--and it's wonderful), Byatt's "The Children's Book" was my most anticipated book of the year. I'll probably jump on this once I finish Atwood--I'm scared that otherwise, it'll get pushed off until after the spring semester. It's a pretty giant book, but it's gotten rave reviews--considered her best since Possession, apparently, so really excited for it.

Wallace, "Infinite Jest"--A hefty tome I won't get to this until the summer, but really excited to see what all the fuss (and by 'all the fuss,' I mean all of Conley's fussing over it) is about.

Brad Gooch's new Flannery O' Connor biography. Been looking forward to this all year.

All of Didion's nonfiction before "The Year of Magical Thinking," I think. Can't effing wait to read Slouching Toward Bethlehem and The White Album--I've heard incredible things about those collections.
Tons of books were on my list to Santy Claus, so I'll probably treat myself to a few of those too (though probably copies that are beaten up and half the price on half.com)--so Hermione Lee's bio of Virginia Woolf, Alison Light's new book called "Mrs. Woolf and the Servants," Cormac McCarthy's "Blood Meridian," Timothy Findley's "Not Wanted on the Voyage," and Anne Carson's "Autobiography of Red." Yummy.
Of course, most importantly, I was with my family for Christmas--and it's been wonderful, I truly truly missed them. And I haven't felt as relaxed and content as I have this past week here in some time...thank goodness I'll be staying here for at least another week, and probably two. I needed it. Happy Christmas, everyone. xo.
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